Welcome to the UW Reality Lab


The UW Reality Lab brings together an interdisciplinary team of UW faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates working in 3D computer vision and perception, object recognition, graphics, spatial audio, game science and education, distributed computing, stream processing, databases and computer architecture, and privacy and security.

Housed in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering, the UW Reality Lab aims to advance the state of the art in virtual and augmented reality by developing new technologies and applications, educating the next generation of researchers and technologists, and supporting robust collaborations with industry.

The UW Reality Lab includes a Reality Studio. The Reality Studio explores and promotes research and educational endeavors for effective production and clear storytelling for and in immersive environments. The Studio develops, creates, and supports all forms of content in Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality.

The UW Reality Lab also includes the Reality Lab Incubator, which provides undergraduate students the opportunity to research and develop solo or team AR/VR projects outside of the classroom, with an advisor.

With our various labs, projects, and classes, the total scope of the UW Reality Lab encompasses hundreds of researchers, students, and faculty.

The UW announced the Reality Lab in January 2018 (press release).

UW Reality Lab Logo

Our Mission


Guide the latest academic research in the area of AR/VR, Graphics, Vision, Interaction, and more.


Design and teach courses in AR/VR to educate the next generation of developers.


Foster collaboration between industry and academia and also between academic departments.

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Contact Us:

To engage as a Sponsor or an Industrial Affiliate

Please email us or use the form below and our Program Manager, David Kessler, will bring your inquiry to our Faculty Directors, Professor Ira Kemelmacher-Shlizerman, Professor Brian Curless, Professor Steve Seitz.

To become a UW Reality Lab PhD Student/Post-Doc

If you are already a UW PhD student, connect directly with a member of the Reality Lab faculty; Faculty decide on individual basis which students and post-docs they hire/work with. If you are interested in applying to the UW CSE graduate program, look at the PhD Admissions page, and when you apply, mention which Professor(s) you are interested in working with, and whether you are interested in any or all of computer vision, graphics, AR/VR/XR.

To become a UW Reality Lab Project Member (Undergrad/Grad/Other)

If you're a UW student interested in the UW Reality Lab, send us an email and we will follow up with the best ways to get involved.

Other Inquiries

Email us or use the form below to contact the Reality Lab Program Manager, David Kessler.

Send A Message

Contact Information

Reality Lab Incubator

The Reality Lab Incubator provides undergraduate students with opportunities to work on novel AR/VR research and development, in support of the greater UW and Seattle communities.

Reality Lab Incubator Website

Reality Studio

The Reality Studio is a center for research and practice of VR film making. The studio explores what it means to view films in VR and aims to bring 3D animation and storytelling to this new medium.

Reality Studio Website