The UW Reality Lab recently held its 2018 Research Proposal Competition. Teams for 20 projects related to Augmented and Virtual Reality pitched their proposals to a judging panel, made up of the UW Reality Lab’s Advisory Board. The teams consisted of researchers from a wide variety of areas, including computer graphics, computer vision, HCI, architecture, databases, robotics, optics, ubiquitous computing, and wireless networking. The projects covered a range of topics, including: Display Optics, 3D Reconstruction, Lightfield Rendering, Accessibility, Character Animation, and Input Devices.

There were many good proposals and narrowing them down was not easy. The following list of researchers were funded and now join the UW Reality Lab!
Deepali Aneja, Elyas Bayati, Alex Colburn, Shane Colburn, Gary Faigin, Brandon Haynes, Aleksander Hołynski, Vikram Iyer, Dhruv Jain, Shu Liang, Xuan Luo, Amrita Mazumdar, Farshid Salemi Parizi, Jeong Joon Park, Andrzej Pronobis, Konstantinos Rematas, Junha Roh, Anran Wang, Chung-Yi Weng, Eric Whitmire, Edward Zhang, Joseph Zhong
Magdalena Balazinska, Luis Ceze, Alvin Cheung, Ali Farhadi, Leah Findlater, Dieter Fox, Jon Froehlich, Shyam Gollakota, Arka Majumdar, Barbara Mones, Shwetak Patel, Linda Shapiro
Thanks to ALL the teams who submitted proposals and pitched their ideas to the judges, AND thanks to the judges who listened, interacted, and voted:
Reality Lab Advisory Board
Michael Abrash, Facebook/Oculus
Michael Cohen, Facebook
Paul Debevec, Google
Shahram Izadi, Google
Wei Su, Huawei
Fan Zhang, Huawei
The UW Reality Lab brings together researchers working on a range of VR and AR related disciplines, to encourage that research, to inform each other, and to foster the field. The lab is supported by funding from Facebook, Google, & Huawei.
Reality Lab Leadership
Brian Curless
Ira Kemelmacher-Shlizerman
Steve Seitz
Deepali Aneja presents her research Judge, Michael Abrash takes notes